Justin Raimund Wickman
The Sweatermakers
by Andrew Wardenaar
Directed by Matthew B. Zrebski
Highlights: Here, they're identified by performances. Wickman is delightful and frustrating as Henry, who literally skips through life until things get tough, and with his amazingly malleable face, he brings much silent humor to the piece. Director Matt B. Zrebski, who pays attention to the play's rhythm, keeps Henry's interactions with Brin light and childlike in the first act: They skip, scream with laughter, flop down on their twin beds. Later, when the story turns a corner, we witness growth and some very powerful adult despair.
- The Oregonian (Full Review)
The protagonists, siblings Brin (Jen Rowe) and Henry (JR Wickman), knit sweaters for a mysterious organization that delivers the garments to those who’ve experienced great loss. When they first appear onstage, with wild eyes and ear-to-ear smiles, Brin and Henry don’t seem quite human, and their loud, childish interactions feel oddly cartoonish. Soon, bits of humanity poke through. . . . As Henry, Wickman nails both animated and sensitive moments.
- Willamette Week (Full Review)
Danny and the Deep Blue Sea
by John Patrick Shanley
Directed by Tamara Carroll
Danny (JR Wickman) and Roberta (Dainichia Noreault) scream, slap and overturn benches. They make love with equal fury. The two actors fill every inch of the sparse set and small theater with their volcanic emotions, creating a reality both painfully uncomfortable and heartbreaking.
– Willamette Week (Full Review)
Directed by Tamara Carroll, Noreault and Wickman make a dynamic pair. Their verbal and physical chemistry sparks whether they are seated at a curious but cautious distance at the bar or tangled together in bed. They each achieve compelling heights in the surreal speeches. . . .
– Portland Mercury (Full Review)
by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb
Directed by JoAnn Johnson
The actors are crystal-clear but never transparent, as they sparkle with intent. Youthful cynicism and ardent hope mix as the gentle, optimistic Jules, touchingly portrayed by Wickman, and the aggressive, angry Jo learn from each other what it means to be human.
– The Oregonian (Full Review)
Wickman, who looks like Paul Giamatti's sexier younger brother, is the most likable underdog in town.
– Willamette Week
Kid Simple: A Radio Play in the Flesh
by Jordan Harrison
Directed by Tom Moorman
The show is virtually stolen by Wickman, who sports horns and hooves with insouciant lust as the satyr; provides a greasy monosyllabic charm as Garth the teen; and later exudes indolent charm as a tempting fig tree set on charming the virgin.
– The Oregonian (Full Review)
The Ruby Sunrise
by Rinne Groff
Directed by Mary McDonald
Enter Tad (JR Wickman), a well-known scriptwriter. . . . Tad, in his two-toned shoes and smart fedora hat, is in love.
– The Oregonian (Full Review)
Theatre Vertigo's production (is) blessed with a strong cast, including the always enjoyable talent of. . . JR Wickman. . . .
Willamette Week
Cloud 9
by Caryl Churchill
Directed by Jon Kretzu
JR Wickman plays Harry, the great white explorer, with the smiling restraint of someone who also has something to hide.
– The Oregonian (Full Review)
99 Ways to Fuck a Swan
by Kimberly Rosenstock
Directed by Megan Kate Ward
JR Wickman. . . gets a three-part workout. . . (and) handle(s) the jumps ably. Wickman makes a great uninterested shrink.
Willamette Week (Full Review)
God's Ear
by Jenny Schwartz
Directed by Philip Cuomo
Ted has disturbing encounters with. . . a crude male-bonder he meets in a bar (played with scene-stealing verve by. . . JR Wickman).
– The Oregonian (Full Review)
by Carlos Murillo
Directed by Kristan Seemal
JR Wickman shows boyish charm as the more sympathetic of the two writers.
– The Oregonian (Full Review)